After the worst-case scenario comes the even worse reality… – Wisse Dekker
People prefer the good news and have a tendency to be optimistic. In fact, the brain is not really capable of process the negative and our mindset is conditioned to be positive. Statements like “You can achieve anything when you believe in yourself” underline how we continue to condition and motivate ourselves.
When it comes to defining the worst-case scenario, we tend to also take the positive thought processes we have developed and use them to consider what could be the worst thing that could happen. Critical thinking is not our strong point. That is why it takes so much training to learn to develop it. In that context, Wisse Dekker, former President Phillips NV, made a very clear statement when his team gave him a worse case scenario which he considered far too optimistic and lacked critical thinking: After the worst-case scenario comes the even worse reality…
Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag – CEO Spearhead Management