Every attempt to hide your weaknesses will only make you weaker.
Being vulnerable is part of being human. The courage to show those vulnerabilities takes courage not every human being has. Our society is conditioned on admiring those who appear strong, and with that we have also created an atmosphere in which weaknesses and vulnerabilities are not appreciated. Once we take a closer look at those we consider strong, we see a very clear divide between them. There are those who expose their strengths to the fullest and with that pretend that they have no weaknesses. And then there are those rare ones who celebrate their strengths and show their weaknesses. Openly discuss the things they are not good at. Openly discuss the efforts they had to make to become good at what they are good at. And openly discuss their struggles with dealing with the things they are not good at.
There are many lessons to be learned from those rare individuals who have the courage and the strength to share their weaknesses. Those who show you how much effort they put in being good in what they do. How many times they have failed before they succeeded, and even how many times they still fail although they are successful. A great example of such a person is Gary Vaynerchuk aka Gary V. Gary rocks a lot of things and, in his own words, “sucks at a lot more”. What Gary shows us in his very own raw and unfiltered way is that it is much better to make the best of your strengths than to try to hide your weaknesses!
Working on your strengths (and weaknesses) will only make you stronger. Every attempt to hide your weaknesses will only make you weaker.
Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag – CEO Spearhead Management