Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. – Henry Ford
One major challenge when trying to find solutions is being able to divide the problem at hand into logical and understandable steps. Not only is this essential to increase the chances of solving the problem, according to Henry Ford it even makes jobs and problem solving much easier. It takes quite a lot of effort to understand a problem enough to be able to divide it into smaller steps that lead to a solution. Albert Einstein suggested to spend 90% of your time on understanding the problem and 10% on solving it once you understand it.
In our new world of Agile, and moving ahead without knowing all the answers, we still need to spend enough time on understanding the problems and challenges to be able to divide it into steps and priorities. We prefer to start moving without knowing how to solve 100% of the problem but knowing that what we do solves part of the problem.
Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag – CEO Spearhead Management