Conflicts emerge where ethics left.
Part of the Sustainable Development Goals is a plea for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions with 12 targets under SDG16. The objective is to create stable and sustainable societies by promoting peace and justice. That makes a lot of sense, because the absence of peace and justice leads to suffering and destruction. Conflicts destroy resources which should be used to improve livelihoods of people. Conflicts destroy humanity and cause damages that span across generations. It is all so simple – end conflicts and with that end the destruction they cause. For a better and sustainable society. So, why is there so little focus on SDG16?
Why are for example the G7 member states not pushing for a global end to conflicts? Even better would be the G20 member states to have an even broader support to end conflicts in line with the Sustainable Development Goals! Might it be that there is little interest to pursue global peace because all member states are profitably exporting weapon systems? Or is the fact that several member states directly or indirectly use armed conflicts to pursue their agendas?
Indisputably influencing the lack of real actions to achieve global peace is the fact that conflict means business for the industry that creates the means for destruction. Ironically that industry is commonly known as “Defense Industry”…
Without peace (SDG16) and collaboration (SDG17) there will not be a sustainable society for all!
Conflicts emerge where ethics left.
Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag – CEO Spearhead Management