Do not allow go-to-market speed to cut corners on security.

Do not allow go-to-market speed to cut corners on security.

Do not allow go-to-market speed to cut corners on security.

Speed is everything in today’s world where the only options appear to be disrupt or be disrupted. Models like Agile and Design Thinking are created to bring structure into the race for pace and go-to-market. And yet there is a significant embed risk in the omnipresent focus on speed and pace of value creation.

Security, and especially cybersecurity, need a big picture approach, and a sense of urgency that outweighs the need for speed. When a security concern is present, this needs to be addressed immediately and should never be moved to the next iteration or even be part of an evaluation of “must have” and “nice to have”, as we are conditioned to do with all other options. And when addressing a security concern leads to postponing the release of a high priority value creating option, so be it!

Do not allow go-to-market speed to cut corners on security.

Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag – CEO Spearhead Management

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