When you don’t get excited about new things, Agile is probably not the right thing for you
Agile teams are used to taking on tasks and projects with unknown outcome and challenges. In fact, being able to learn new skills is a thrilling experience that expands the agility.
When you don’t get excited about learning new skills and facing unknown challenges or not having all the answers on forehand, Agile is probably not the right field for you. Most organizations fail at Agile by having people who not feel comfortable with Agile in charge of those projects and teams.
This is part of the biggest challenge Agile teams face when working in an organization that has not embraced Agile at all levels – the disconnect between the Agile mindset of “figuring things out while creating value” and “exciting to go places without having a detailed plan”, and the conventional approach of wanting to have all the answers before even considering change.
Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag – CEO Spearhead Management