When you feel you have to be in charge you should stay away from Agile!
Letting go of control can be the biggest challenge for individuals who transition from a conventional leading or managing role into an Agile environment. Some are capable to master this challenge by shifting their focus towards value creation, which is the key objective of the Agile Principles.
Others maintain a strong desire to be in control and establish their authority. There might be many environments where this is a desired characteristic that leads to success. Agile is not one of those.
The worst thing anyone can do to themselves and the team they work with is to pretend to embrace the Agile Principle while in reality they have the strong desire to be in charge. It is far better to be honest to yourself and your team to just admit that Agile is not your thing and let it be.
Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag – CEO Spearhead Management