Without cyber education there will be no cyber security.
Cybersecurity is not just about using technology in a secure manner, it is also about using technology responsibly and requires a good understanding of what to do and what to avoid. Assuming that common sense would be enough to either use technology securely or responsibly is the kind naivety that cybercriminals are hoping for.
What we need is a full range of cyber education for the entire lifecycle of technology, and we should make sure that we do not only focus on users and customers. With rapidly developing technology and complexity we see that a growing amount of cyber incidents are caused by flaws in the technical management of technology and on the other hand that the actual contributions to issues by users and the technology itself continue to decline. This is not caused by less incident caused by user errors or vulnerabilities in technology. Far from that! The number of issues caused by flaws in the technical management rises consistently.
So, we need specific cyber education across the entire lifecycle of technology, including those who configure and manage it!
Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag – CEO Spearhead Management