Coaches with real experience listen intentionally

Coaches with real experience listen intentionally

Coaches with real experience listen intentionally There are many people who call themselves coaches and maybe not everyone deserves that title, but that is something for an entirely different conversation. What we want to focus on today is the difference between coaches with generic knowledge on one or more topics, and coaches with real experience […]

Coaches with real experience listen intentionally Read More »

Technology plays a major role in Cyber Security. Unfortunately, the way we use that technology continuous to be underestimated and that is the biggest Cyber Risk.

Technology plays a major role in Cyber Security. Unfortunately, the way we use that technology continuous to be underestimated and that is the biggest Cyber Risk.

Technology plays a major role in Cyber Security. Unfortunately, the way we use that technology continuous to be underestimated and that is the biggest Cyber Risk. When listen to IT experts we might get the impression that user errors are by far the biggest cause for cyber incidents. A look at the daily reports in

Technology plays a major role in Cyber Security. Unfortunately, the way we use that technology continuous to be underestimated and that is the biggest Cyber Risk. Read More »

Highly integrated systems are by far the biggest challenge during a cyber incident.

Highly integrated systems are by far the biggest challenge during a cyber incident.

Highly integrated systems are by far the biggest challenge during a cyber incident. As connectivity progresses all around us and systems become more interconnected, the dependency on connectivity and interconnection also increases. A simple system without external connections and dependences might not add much value in our current business models but it does have a

Highly integrated systems are by far the biggest challenge during a cyber incident. Read More »

After the worst-case scenario comes the even worse reality...

After the worst-case scenario comes the even worse reality…

After the worst-case scenario comes the even worse reality… – Wisse Dekker People prefer the good news and have a tendency to be optimistic. In fact, the brain is not really capable of process the negative and our mindset is conditioned to be positive. Statements like “You can achieve anything when you believe in yourself”

After the worst-case scenario comes the even worse reality… Read More »

The smallest improvements can have huge impact when done consistently.

The smallest improvements can have huge impact when done consistently.

The smallest improvements can have huge impact when done consistently. There is a lot of attention for the major challenges in sustainability and that is great. But there is of course also the risk that the attention for the “big things” diverts the necessary attention from all the little things we could and should do.

The smallest improvements can have huge impact when done consistently. Read More »

Compliance is not security. Security is based on compliance!

Compliance is not security. Security is based on compliance!

Compliance is not security. Security is based on compliance! There is a straightforward way of debunking the believe that compliance is the same as security and that is the simple fact that well over 80% of the organizations that dealt with security incident were fully compliant with their standing security policies. There are several reasons

Compliance is not security. Security is based on compliance! Read More »

Digital Transformation Beyond IT – Unleash the full potential of Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Beyond IT – Unleash the full potential of Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Beyond IT – Unleash the full potential of Digital Transformation The IT Departments and Service Providers appear to be in the driver’s seat for Digital Transformation but in reality, that is only the technical realization part of Digital Transformation. The real driver behind Digital Transformation is the entire organization and the willingness to rethink every established process. Digital

Digital Transformation Beyond IT – Unleash the full potential of Digital Transformation Read More »